Day# 13766: Parrot @ Sledgehammer Lit + some other announcements

Day 14 on your Digestive Press advent calendar…

Pleased to point you in the direction (again) of Sledgehammer Lit, which today posted my short story Parrot.


I also completely forgot to announce a few months back that I had a short story shortlisted for the Bridport Prize this year.  This means it was in the top 100 of submissions received.  There’s not a lot for me to link to, as it isn’t published anywhere, but in their announcement here there is a list of shortlisted writers and you will find my name on it.  The name of the story isn’t included, I guess so I can submit it elsewhere, which I will look to do.

And also also!  Branching out into new territory, I have, for the first time, had a photograph accepted in a photography exhibition – my portrait of a woodlouse on a mossy wall will be being featured in January next year in the Bailiwick Wildlife Photography Open Exhibition.  Something to look forward to!