2 x Recent Poems


A good mood evolved into a bad mood
Like the fish happily flip-flopping onto land
Growing legs
Staggering about
Falling over
We should all have stayed in the ocean.
In the dark, in the quiet and nice.

When I pass my hands over my eyes
A variety of shapes swim there.
Dots turn into blobs turn into amoebas.
The day shifts again, starts to resolve itself.

Sunlight evolves across wet grass
Becoming goodness and honesty in time.
Autumn morphs into Winter into Spring,
Mushrooms become gravestones become daffodils.
A passing hearse turns into an ambulance and
There is a chance again, still a chance.



Every spring it burst forth,
An emerald wave breaking
Into space we thought we owned
Into a life we had been making.
We were trying to cultivate
balance between wildness and order.
I explained this to the perennials
as I pulled weeds from the border.
They gave their terse reply via
the open petals of new flowers:
“You photosynthesise your way,
and we’ll photosynthesise ours.”